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Call Today! (904) 955-6184



Ponte Vedra Beach - Nocatee

Zip Codes - 32081 and 32082

Meet & Greet
There is no charge for this initial consultation,
so that we can meet you and your pets. 

Pet Sitting

$20.00 - 30 minute visit to home

Please note that we do NOT charge by the number of pets; we only charge by the total amount of time requested by the owner. 

For example, if the owner prefers to have each dog walked separately, that would result in a longer visit. We tailor each visit to the pets and their owners. We feel that every pet is unique and try to provide the best service and care for that individual pet.

Other services included upon request

Mail & newspaper pick-up
Watering of plants
Blinds/lights adjusted, etc.

All visits include fresh water/food, walks/playtime 
and plenty of "TLC"!

House Checks
Offered for seasonal residents and those traveling for an extended period of time.

Includes running faucets, watering plants, etc.
Checking security/alarm systems and security of doors, windows.
Monitoring A/C and thermostat function.
Monitoring lawn/pool services.
Other services available upon request, please call for information.


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